Click here to experience A.D.D. from OUR perspective!!
The following ADD info isn'really a rant, but more like some "FYI"; Please scroll down to find some screening questions
to see if YOU or your child may have A.D.D.
Attention Deficit Disorder
Now here's a neato buzzword for ya! I went
through a painful but enlightening period when I learned I have ADD. It finally explained all the pain & confusion I
went thru when I was a kid. But I know what you're thinking. A lot of people don't "believe" in this debilitating disorder.
I wish they could live a few weeks of my life.....you'd believe it in short order! The gereral concensus is that this
condition is entirely over-diagnosed. Let's ponder this for a minute. I suppose I'd have to agree, to some degree, that
Ritalin/Concerta etc. IS given to some people who probably don't need it. There's a lotta parents out there who'd rather
give their brat a pill than to deal with the little idiot's behavior. Harsh? Yeah! That's what these people need! Yes,
now I'm going to say that dreaded phrase: "When I was growing up....." If I tried to throw a fit in the grocery store,
my Mom knocked the crap outta me! And guess what? I had it coming! And gee, I guess that kind of treatment really
did have a terrible impact on me; Now I'm a responsible citizen who knows right from wrong. What a shame! I must stop
right here & apologize for my sarcasm. I guess it's my way of dealing with an irresponsible society. Anyway,
Never before have we better seen the cause & effect principle at work. Look around you. Do you see it? It's the mind
set: "I want to give my child everything I never had when I was a kid." WRONG! HELLO?!?!? What is
wrong with you parents? How do you really expect this little person to grow up to be responsible for him/herself and their
actions if you provide them with every want? Can't you figure it out? When (or if....)they get out on their own, they'll be
wondering why the government isn't paying for their house, car, bar-hopping, etc.
Anyway, back to A.D.D.............
Do you know anyone who is a diabetic? Lots of us do. What's wrong with the diabetic's body? It's missing a checmical called
insulin. Let's say your spouse is a diabetic. Why would you give them insulin? a. To keep them alive b. Because you love
them c. because you know that their body doesn't produce the chemical they need to survive. OK, with that in mind, let's
look at the A.D.D. person. Just like the diabetic, they have a chemical missing too, only it's missing from their brain. Hogwash,
you say? (Oh, excuse me. I didn't realize you are a neuropsychologist) It's true. I grew up in the public school system
in the 1960's & '70's. Nobody knew of anything called A.D.D. back then. We were just stupid, space-cases, or just plain
lazy. Sure we were. I hope you never have to feel how someone with this problem feels when they're labeled with these kinds
of names. Then try to live your life as a "normal" person. It won't work. You know you're different, but you can't quite put
your finger on what it is. Welcome to our world!
Now then, having said all that about human behavior,
let's look at a recipie for juvenile & adult delinquents (No, they don't grow up; They just get bigger!) Some parents
feel that their child deserves all the things that they didn't have as a kid. Given our human nature (see "The most Important
thing you'll ever hear about" page), this will set in motion a lifetime of problems. While done in good intention, you have
taught the child to expect everything to be given to them. Next, give up on your marriage. It'll show them that folks don't
need to keep their promises, even to God. Okay. Now this child has only one parent to be an example. Be sure to run your ex-spouse
down, especially in front of the child. Good. Now leave them alone with the best influence man has ever known, the TELEVISION.
This way, they'll be exposed to every variety of violence & irrational behavior, as well as not be able to tell what's
real and what ain't. Laugh loudly when they learn to cuss, too. Now, here's the real killer of society as we knew it (when
it was safe to walk our streets): Take away any & all parent's rights to discipline their child. No, I don't mean a friendly
little "time-out" (which is completely useless & redundant); I mean the right to smack your own kid when you think they
need it......or even someone else's for that matter! (Now I've struck a nerve, haven'tI?) Yes, yes, I know that there
are MANY, MANY children out there that suffer from abuse & violence of all kinds. That is a crime, too. Unfortunatley,
we've "thrown out the baby with the bath water", so-to-speak. Since there ARE so many kids who are beaten, now our "friends"
in certain activist groups tell us we can't teach our young-un's right from wrong, or we can go to jail. Thank you for single-handedly
destroying the well-being of America.
Wanna know what it's like to deal with A.D.D.??? Click here!

OK! Here come the rants.....ready?
Stupid designs.
You know, someday I'm gonna get ahold of an engineer who designed something in a stupid way, and....well... There are
so many things to choose from in this category; Let's take automobiles. I realize that there are an infinite number of sizes
of people, but why can't they make the ergonomics of a vehicle adjust enough to accomodate all sizes? When I drive a vehicle,
to tilt the wheel where it's comfortable, I can't see the speedo. Doesn't matter what vehicle, they all do this to me.
Next, we can talk about the FOOLS who designed the mechanical aspects of cars & trucks. OBVIOUSLY these geniuses never
had to wrench on the junk they design. If ever anything makes me mad, it's having to take this off to get to that thing, so
you can take IT off to get to the thing you needed to get to in the first place! What complete dolts that engineer this stuff.
Certainly the "Einstein" Theory applies here; No, not the theory of relativity, but the thoery of stupidity. You
know, Einstein was so smart, he couldn't tie his shoes. THAT theory.
Here's another category that fits in the "Fools in charge" section;
Where has real radio gone? It sure ain't on the air anymore. What used to be good entertainment has now been reduced to
completely rediculous morning shows, and.........."the hottest new music".......or....."the 20-song music set".
what they don't tell you is that the hottest new music, and the 20 songs are the same songs .......over & over & over
& over & over & over & over.........
put a little personality back in radio and fire those idiots who run the stations, as well as the knit-wits in charge
of arbitron & the other ratings companies.
Another good one; You can't go into a decent clothing store or any other such establisment, without getting swarmed by
underpaid sales people. I have to blame the upper manegement for this irritating practice, because if these poor slobs who
must work there would be paid a decent wage, then they wouldn't need to harass the customers. Here's how this stupid game
Corporate CEO's decide they need to make 40 Billion a year, and to heck with the people who generate the income for this
company......you know..... the ones who make, assemble, fabricate or sell the junk their money comes from. These people are
not important, but dispensible! (according to manegement) Oh yeah, don't provide the workers with any kind of benefits, either.
This would actually make them WANT to work for the company for more than a week.

a. Hang on to your hat, Ethel! I'm gonna hit another nerve!
I suppose this is a common rant of all mankind. But I feel I must speak my mind, since this IS my website! There
is no such thing as courtesy, let alone common courtesy. Go ahead, drive as slow as you want in the fast lane....eventually
you''ll get what you deserve! Go ahead. block both lanes of traffic so no one else can get past you two idiots. Yes, I can
see you looking at me in your rear-view mirror (this is the only time this device is used in your car). Yes, there IS
someone else on the road beside you. Get a brain. b. It is my sincere wish that automobiles in the future will be built
with a "driver's compartment", where the driver is COMPLETELY isolated from other passengers in the vehicle. This is due to
the fact that people lose their ability to pay attention to driving while carrying on a conversation.
Hey! Toilet paper manufacturers!
Listen up!
I have an idea that will save you MILLIONS of dollars every year! You know that big machine you have in your factories....you
know...the one that's supposed to perforate
the paper? Well, send me an email, and I'll be GLAD to help you list it on eBay! It doesn't do anything anyhow! Might
as well sell it!
...On illegal aliens...
This is America. The melting pot has boiled over. Go home. Same for any other foreigners that are here, sponging off that
which WE have fought & died to build. Go home.
on islam
ATTENTION ALL Islamic ("PEACEFUL") terrorists: Go back from whence you cometh. And don't
cometh back. Ever. This is a CHRISTIAN nation. Our government is stupid for allowing you to be here in the first place.
(probably a liberal's decision...)

While we're on the subject, all "religions" are NOT the same!
There is only ONE God, the Creator of the universe, and he's PISSED that people will worship anything but HIM!
"Religions" are just that! Religions. You can be religious about washing your car every week RELIGIOUSLY. God
wants a
RELATIONSHIP with us, not a religion. That's why He gave up his only Son, to pay for my sins & yours. The shedding
of His blood is the only thing that gets anyone to heaven. Not killing anyone (so you can have your 'virgins'!?! Gimme a break),
not praying to saints (God is a jelous God!), not personal enlightenment or ANY other means will qualify you to spend eternity
with the Holiest of all. All you gotta do is HUMBLE yourself and admit that you need Him. That's all Wants! Get a clue! <end
The following ADD screening questions were borrowed from
the "ADDitude.com" website...check it out!!
Check each of the following statements that apply to you
I have difficulty getting organized.
When given a task, I usually procrastinate rather than doing it right away.
I work on a lot of projects, but can't seem to complete most of them.
I tend to make decisions and act on them impulsively- like spending money, getting sexually involved with someone, diving
into new activities, and changing plans.
I get bored easily.
No matter how much I do or how hard I try, I just can't seem to reach my goals.
I often get distracted when people are talking; I just tune out or drift off.
I get so wrapped up in some things I do that I can hardly stop to take a break or switch to doing something else.
I tend to overdo things even when they're not good for me -- like compulsive shopping, drinking too much, overworking,
and overeating.
I get frustrated easily and I get impatient when things are going too slowly.
My self-esteem is not as high as that of others I know.
I need a lot of stimulation from things like action movies and video games, new purchases, being among lively friends,
driving fast or engaging in extreme sports.
I tend to say or do things without thinking, and sometimes that gets me into trouble.
I'd rather do things my own way than follow the rules and procedures of others.
I often find myself tapping a pencil, swinging my leg, or doing something else to work off nervous energy.
I can feel suddenly depressed when I'm separated from people, projects or things that I like to be involved with.
I see myself differently than others see me, and when someone gets angry with me for doing something that upset them I'm
often very surprised.
Even though I worry a lot about dangerous things that are unlikely to happen to me, I tend to be careless and accident
Even though I have a lot of fears, people would describe me as a risk taker.
I make a lot of careless mistakes.
I have blood relatives who suffer from ADD, depression, bipolar disorder, or substance abuse.
If you answered yes to fifteen of these questions, it is likely that you have ADD. However, you can still have
ADD even if you answered yes to fewer than fifteen of these questions. This informal test is intended as a general guide only.
Adults who think they may have ADD should consult with a physician or other licensed mental health practitioner. Treatments
are available that can help reduce substantially these symptoms.
CHILD Test for ADD or AD/HD:
Does Your Child Have ADD?
The first part of the test covers signs of distractibility. Check each of the following statements that apply to your
My child makes careless mistakes.
It's very difficult for my child to stay focused on homework or other tasks.
My child rarely completes an activity before moving to the next activity.
Even when spoken to directly, my child seems to not be paying attention.
My child is disorganized and even with my help can't seem to learn how to become organized.
My child frequently loses things like homework and personal belongings.
My child tries to avoid activities that require sustained concentration and a lot of mental effort.
My child frequently forgets to do things, even when constantly reminded.
Even the smallest distractions throw my child off task.
If you checked six or more of these behaviors, your child may have inattentive type ADD. However, your child may
have ADD even if fewer than six of these behaviors were checked. This test is intended as an informal guide and does not claim
to be accurate. If you believe your child has ADD, check with your physicians or a licensed mental health practitioner. Treatments
are available that can reduce substantially these neurologically based behaviors.
Child's Test: Part Two
The second part of the test covers hyperactivity and impulsivity. Check each of the following statements that apply to
your child
Sometimes my child acts as if s/he's driven by a motor.
My child always seems to be fidgeting.
Now matter how hard he tries, my child has problems remaining seated even when s/he's supposed to.
My child talks a lot, even when s/he has nothing much to say.
My child often interferes in the classroom because s/he has difficulty engaging in quiet activities without disturbing
In class or at home, my child blurts out answers to questions before they are fully asked.
My child has difficulty waiting patiently to take turns, and frequently butts ahead in lines or grabs toys from playmates.
Sometimes my child seems intrusive. She/he interrupts constantly other peoples' activities and conversations.
If you checked six or more of these behaviors, your child may have hyperactive-impulsive type ADD. However,
your child may have ADD even if fewer than six of these behaviors were checked. This test is intended as an informal guide
and does not claim to be accurate. If you believe your child has ADD, check with your physicians or a licensed mental health
practitioner. Treatments are available that can reduce substantially these neurologically based behaviors.

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