Here's the 'RoadBlimp". My 1950 Buick Super 2-door hardtop.
Completely stock, except for the 1953 Buick Skylark wire wheels, with BFG 235 70 15 wide whitewall radials.
This ol' Dynaflow Buick will do 0-60 in just under ten minutes...
Thank you for visiting my website. You can be sure that your visit will be a very informative
one. Send me an email if you wanna talk old cars! I want to say right up front that I am a Christian, and an old car enthusiast
(especially 1950 Buicks) but unfortunately, I am also human (hence, the rant pages...). It is my SINCERE hope that anyone
who stops by here will take the time to read my "The most important thing you'll ever hear about" page, and really consider what is being said. No, I am NOT a self-righteous, look-down-my-nose-at-others, extremist kind of person,
but a regular working-class slob who finally came to the realization that there was something missing in my life, and I couldn't
fill that void with stuff, success, or anything else this 'ol world has to offer. The message you'll see here is the most important thing you'll ever read!!!!!! So........on with the show!
I find
it completely redundant to even have to mention this, but knowing that someone who reads this may be "offended", I
apologize, but only under protest! If you don't like it, may God bless you as you leave...... The following story
& information is Truth as is revealed to us all in God's Word - - The Bible. Unfortunately, these days, everyone has their own idea
of truth. "Where does the real truth come from?" you ask? It comes from an authority. In the case of humanity, GOD
is the authority, and He has given us the truth in written form, called The Bible. You are about to take a peek into
my personal life (no extra charge), and hopefully you'll recognize some familiar feelings or ideas. This is a good thing!
'Nuff said.
I do NOT endorse the religious sponsors you may see in the banners on this website; Visit them @ your
own risk! (...and some of them are pretty risky!)

Click here for an explanation. No offense intended!

Looking for 1950 BUICK patch panels?
See the links page!
Looking for a professional voice actor or narrator?

Buick invented the SUV! Click here to see the 1950 Buick "El Kineno"!
Welcome! Take a look around;
You're bound to find something interesting!
...and here I am, at a very early age:
